


Capital of the province of Apulia (Italy), the city of Foggia is situated between the river and the river Celone and the river Cervaro at the center of il Tavoliere of Apulia, an area located in the northern part of the region and it occupies nearly half of the geografical-cultural area of la Capitanata. 
Its name probably derives from the Latin fovea, a term that would refer to "grave" as "watershed", perhaps the mouth of the brook recalled by the emblem of the italian city, but there is also a second line of interpretation that links the city's name to unveiling legend of the icon of Our Lady kirjotissa. 
With about 152,928 inhabitants, Foggia today is an important commercial hub, the city with an economy based mainly on agriculture, a real historical vocation of whole Tavoliere, so that during the Fascist was called the wheat barn of Italy.

What to see

Despite the devastating earthquakes and bombings during the Second World War, Foggia maintains numerous historical and architectural proof of its illustrious past. 
Amongst the most important monuments, we have the Cathedral, dated back to the twelfth century but rebuilt in the Baroque period. Inside the Cathedral we must mention the eighteenth-century polychrome marble altar flanked by two angels, sculpted by Giuseppe Sanmartino, a large painting by Francesco De Mura and the major chapel of the Iconavetere with a bronze gate and  a rich marble altar dated at the end of seventeenth century. Of particular historic and artistic interest is the Church of Jesus and Mary, Customs Building, the Mount Calvary Church of the Cross, or Arpana Tre Archi di Porta Porta Grande, the Arch of the Imperial Palace of Frederick II, at which once stood the Imperial Palace of the Emperor. 
Other legacies of the past are well Federico II, Epitaph, the Church of San Lorenzo in Carmine and outside the city, where stood the ancient Arpi, the underground of the Medusa, the Necropolis and the Archaeological Park Pass Corvo. Among the many churches in the Baroque and Rococo scattered throughout the old city, are to be mentioned in the Church of the Dead, dating back to 600, the Church of Our Lady Addolorata and  just outside the old town, the Baroque Basilica of St. John the Baptist. 
Impressive is the Town Park, the second biggest public park in central-south, built in XIX century based on the model of Villa Fontana of Naples and in which today excavations are taking place relating to a Neolithic site dating to the sixth century BC Worth mentioning, finally, is the Post Office building from the Art Nouveau and the Fontana del Sele, opened in 1924.


  • February 3 - Commemoration of San Biagio throat protector, long among the patrons of the city
  • March 22 - Festival in honor of Our Lady of the Seven Veils Good Friday - the procession re-enactment of Christ's Passion 
  • April 26 - Feast of St. William and St. Peregrine, patron saint of Foggia; 
  • May 22 - Feast of Santa Rita in the church of Sant'Econ blessing of the roses 
  • June 13 - Feast of St. Anthony of Padova and traditional fireworks show; 
  • June 21 - Feast of St. Luigi Gonzaga and traditional fireworks show July 
  • 15 - Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows "Liberatrice from Cholera"; 
  • July 26 - Feast of St. Anne 
  • August 15 - the second patron saint feast of the Assumption 
  • From November 23 to November 25 - "St. Catherine's Fair"; 
  • December 8 - traditional fanoje "or bonfire. 


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